How much longer before this is declared a crime against humanity?   I give it 
10 yrs 

Ms. Lady Benjamin PD Cannon, ASCE
6x7 Networks & 6x7 Telecom, LLC 
"The only fully end-to-end encrypted global telecommunications company in the 

FCC License KJ6FJJ

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> On Jan 18, 2021, at 8:24 AM, Sean Donelan <> wrote:
> About 5 days later, from January 13, 2021, through January 18, 2021, Uganda 
> begins to restore some internet services in the nation. Most social media 
> sites appear to still be blocked.
> Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni claimed Saturday that he had been 
> re-elected for a sixth term as president since 1986.
> This is not the longest internet shutdown.  Ethiopia shutdown internet access 
> for nearly two months in 2020.  Belerus had several full and partial internet 
> shutdowns over several months in 2020.

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