Is there a video of this? I would also love to see pictures of what the
damage was inside the building and repairs. Not sure if that was documented
anywhere. I would assume they are still doing repairs and upgrades to the

On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 8:18 PM Robert DeVita <>

> AT&T Disaster Recovery Team is probably the best in the business. The
> resources they can bring to the table are unmatched. This would have been
> 100x worse if it hit a carrier neutral datacenter. They don’t have nearly
> the same resources to restore something like this. They usually do a road
> show (pre Covid). If you get a chance it’s definitely something you should
> go check out. Very impressive.
> Robert DeVita
> Founder & CEO
> Mejeticks
> c. 469-441-8864
> e.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* NANOG <> on behalf
> of Eric Kuhnke <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 29, 2020 5:06:00 PM
> *To:* Sean Donelan <>
> *Cc:* NANOG <>
> *Subject:* Re: Nashville
> From a few days ago. Obviously centralizing lots of ss7/pstn stuff all in
> one place has a long recovery time when it's physically damaged. Something
> to think about for entities that own and operate traditional telco COs and
> their plans for disaster recovery.
> Nv1
> Here is the latest update:  6:46AM 12/27:
> Work continues restoring service to the CRS routers in the Nashville
> Central Office. One router remains out of service and the other is in
> service with some links remaining out of service.
> The working bridge will reconvene at 08:00 CT with the following action
> plan:
> Additional cabling added to the first portable generator to enable full
> load capabilities (08:00 CT)
> Pigtails with camlocks installed for easy swap; investigate possibility to
> land generator on the emergency service board to give the site N+1 with a
> manual ability to choose anyone. (08:00 CT)
> check small power plants on floors 4 and 6 (08:00 CT)
> Investigate water damage on 1st floor and energize if safe (08:00 CT
> Air handlers for floors 4,5 and 6 (09:00 CT)
> complete all transport work
> Turn up SS7
> Turn up 911 service - Approximately noon or after)
> Turn up switching service.
> TDM Switching team will reconvene at 09:00 CT and the Signaling team will
> reconvene at 11:00 CT on 12/27/2020.
> DMS equipment on the 1st floor will be assessed for water damage.
> Switching teams will monitor power and HVAC restoration and will begin
> switch restoration as soon as the go ahead is provided by the power team.
> Recovery Priorities:
> 1. 4th & 5th floors (Specify transport equipment needed to clear MTSO SS7
> isolation & Datakit needed for Local Switch restoration). Transport SMEs
> currently working to turn up transport equipment
> 2. 6th floor (ESINET Groomers)
> 3. 10th and 8th floors (N4E) – Trunks
> 4. 1st floor (DMS: DS1, 5E: DS3) - Local POTS
> 5. 1st floor (DMS: DS0, DS2 | 5E: DS6) – Trunks
> 6. 11th floor (DMS: 01T) – Trunks
> 7. 4th floor (STP and SCP with mates up in Donelson)
> The next update will be issued at approximately 09:00 CT on December 27.
> Nv2
> As of 09:00 CT: Teams worked through the night to restore service and
> improve conditions at the Nashville 2nd Ave Central Office. Since the
> initial service impact, over 75% of the Out of Service Mobility Sites have
> been restored. Certain call flows may be limited and should improve as
> additional restoration activities complete.
> The generator that is currently powering equipment on the 2nd and 3rd
> floor, was refueled and ran with no issues through the night. Overnight,
> the batteries connected to it, continued to charge. Teams have placed
> additional power cables, which once connected, will allow the working
> generator, to better handle the load in the building. In order to
> accomplish this, the generator will need to be shut down for 15-30 minutes
> this morning, so teams can connect the new cables to the system. The power
> team reports they are still on target to restore power and cooling to the
> 5th and 6th floor by approximately 12:00 CT. Also, a portable chiller will
> be delivered this morning and strategically placed, in case it is needed to
> assist in cooling the office.
> There is a Call Center at 333 Commerce, in Nashville that does not have
> network or phone services available. Corporate Real Estate (CRE) reports
> there is some damage to that office, but the extent of the damage will not
> be known until they can gain access to the site. Because of this, the
> impacted Call Center ceased operations until further notice.
> DMS switching equipment on the 1st floor will be assessed for water
> damage. Switching teams will monitor power and HVAC restoration. Equipment
> power ups will begin, as soon as the go ahead is provided by the power
> team.
> Two SatCOLTs remain positioned on the East and West sides of the NSVLTNMT
> Central Office providing critical communication for teams working
> restoration efforts. There are 17 assets deployed in the field- 15 are on
> air (the 2 at the CO and 13 supporting FN Customer Requests) and 2 are in
> hot-standby for FN Customers where macro service recently recovered. There
> is 1 asset staged at a deployment site in KY where macro service restored,
> and 8 additional assets are on route to Nashville today to fulfill pending
> FN Customer requests. Incoming requests continue to be triaged. The ones in
> areas where service looks to have been restored, are being held, while the
> others are being prioritized to be dispatched upon.
> The next update will be issued at approximately 14:00 CT, unless there is
> a significant change in status.
> Nv3
> AT&T Nashville update below, received at 3:35PM 12/27.
> Since the initial service impact, over 95% of the Out of Service Mobility
> Sites have been restored. Certain call flows may be limited and should
> improve as additional restoration activities complete.
> Electricians have installed the additional power cables from the
> generator, to the emergency bus. These new cables will allow the generator
> to support more of the load, of the building. The portable chiller
> requested, has arrived on-site, and is available to assist in cooling, if
> needed. Generally speaking, there are four (4) phases of restoration per
> floor (Air Handler restoral, Power restoral, Transport Equipment restoral,
> and Switch/Application Equipment restoral). Teams report that Air Handlers
> are up and running, and all power plants are on floors 2 through 7 are
> online. Given significant progress made, floors 2 through 7, are ready for
> technology turn up. Relative to Priority Transport related equipment,
> approximately 90% of the elements have been turned up on floors 2 through
> 7. The Power team is currently working on Floors 8 through 11 (N4E). The
> first floor is not accessible, at this time. Once access is granted by
> federal and local authorities, further assessment and restoration efforts
> will begin.
> The generator is currently supporting approximately 50% of its capacity,
> and alternative plans are being considered to handle the full load of the
> building. Teams continue to work proactively in effort to identify
> potential issues and are actively engaged working to restore services and
> repair infrastructure.
> AT&T Network Disaster Recovery (NDR) has eleven (11) SatCOLTs in service
> (TN, AL, GA). Two (2) of the eleven (11) are deployed at the Nashville, TN
> Central Office to provide coverage for the AT&T response teams as well as
> FirstNet (FN) customers. One (1) COLT is in hot-standby (TN). Six (6) COLTs
> are en-route to deployment sites in TN and AL. Three (3) COLTs are being
> demobilized in Alabama and coming back to Nashville for new assignments and
> five (5) additional COLTs are en-route to the Nashville area to support
> additional requests.
> The next update will be issued at approximately 19:00 CT, unless there is
> a significant change in status.
> On Mon, Dec 28, 2020, 5:59 PM Sean Donelan < > wrote:
> AT&T statement says nearly all services have been restore in Nashville as
> of Monday, 5pm CST
> They are working on permanent repairs.
> <>
> AT&T's Network Disaster Recovery group faces management questions nearly
> every year to justifying their budget. While no one wants disasters,
> business continuity has to be part of the business.  There are also mutual
> aid agreements between companies, but I don't know how many were invoked
> for this incident.
> <>

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