Department of Commerce OIG review of FirstNet request to tour AT&T GNOC
Continued FirstNet Authority Management Attention is Needed to Address Control Environment Weaknesses

FirstNet Authority disagreed that the request for a GNOC tour “constituted a request for ‘additional contract services outside the scope of the contract.’” In its response, FirstNet Authority stated, “GNOC tours are not governed or limited by the [NPSBN] contract as these kinds of tours are commonplace for AT&T to provide to outside parties.” However, we found that the contractor only offers a multi-media presentation regarding the GNOC at its Corporate Briefing Center. FirstNet Authority requested a visit and tour of the GNOC, which is neither included in the contract nor offered widely to the public. We reaffirm that the tour was not in the contract and could be viewed as exerting indirect pressure for the contractor to perform unreimbursed services outside the contract.

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