Why wouldn't we just build this into 10-year battery smoke alarms, a
simple radio receiver?

Why does anyone think this must be a feature of the internet when, as
people here have described, that entails all sorts of complexities.

You just want something that goes BEEP-BEEP-BEEP KISS YOUR ASS
GOODBYE! BEEP BEEP BEEP really loudly on command, perhaps with some
more detail.

Probably about 10c in circuitry involved.

We're really getting way into the cargo cult worship of the internet
much like how TV in the 1950s was supposed to be the answer to every
one of society's problems but mostly what we got were sitcoms and ads
for bad beer.

Ok, proceed with the list of edge cases. But at least there are laws
requiring smoke alarms most everywhere.

        -Barry Shein

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