On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 20:57:31 -0400, Matthew Palmer <mpal...@hezmatt.org>
FTP? Who uses FTP these days?
A depressingly large number of people use FTP. Attempts to move them
something less insane are fruitless. Even when the tools support it (and
plenty of "web design" tools don't appear to do anything other than FTP),
"we've always done it that way and it works fine and if we have to change
something we'll move to another hosting company rather than click a
different button in our program".
On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 21:07:08 -0400, Daniel Senie <d...@senie.com> wrote:
You are out of touch. FTP is used by nearly EVERY web hosting provider
for updates of web sites. Anonymous FTP is not used.
These are not random, anonymous ftp connections. These are people who
login with a username and password, and are therefore, identifiable; and
even then, it's for access to manage their own site. A single IP address
pointing to a single server (or farm of servers) will, and DOES, work just
fine. I know, because I've done it for ~15 years.
When I ask "who", I'm asking about a paid for, external service -- just
like web hosting. No one calls up 1-800-Host-My-Crap and asks for "an FTP
Bottom line... if your justification for a /19 is "FTP servers", you are
fully justified in laughing at them as you hang up the phone.