On 12/27/20 2:26 AM, Mark Tinka wrote:
On 12/26/20 23:57, Michael Thomas wrote:
Yeah, it burned somebody's house to a crisp here last year around
here. It certainly makes the case why leaving professionals in charge
of power issues is the better idea. although with pg&e it's a tough
call, my telco not so much.
I considered a generator at some point, for home back up.
In the end, and for various reasons, I settled on renewables.
I'm just not sure where all that Li-Ion will go after 15 - 20 years of
use, though...
One European manufacturer (the one whose battery I bought) says that
as of now, they can only recycle 20% of each battery they sell. To me,
that sounds like just the metal case enclosure, and the plastic facia.
Ah well, maybe disposal tech. for Li-Ion storage will have improved by
We have both, and are going to get a battery. But the battery would
probably only be good for about a day which is not enough, especially
with these planned shutoffs because they have to inspect their wire
plant in daylight. There has to be a better technical solution for this
beyond just burying the wires. A properly trained AI could probably
figure out what's naught and nice.