You really should go ask a CEO if he'd sign off on something that he doesn't understand. Really. I can assure you that your impression is wrong, and most CEOs don't prefer to be standing in court defending their actions.

Actually, being a CTO of a company, I know that my CEO signs things ALL the time based just on my say so. I don't see how signing a document for ARIN would land them in court, further if he were to go to court, he'd simply say that he relied on the opinions of his technical staff since he does not have the experience or expertise to evaluate it's validity. And as history shows, this is an acceptable answer, it happens all the time in the case of financial filings that others produce for the CEO to sign.

Burdensome? Really? If you have your documentation together it takes about 15 minutes from beginning of the application form until receiving your new allocation. I spend longer on hold any time I deal with any other vendor.

Really, 15 minutes? I applied for a new AS Record recently, presented all the valid documentation, as well as additional documentation in the form of network diagrams, and was asked to explain things that were clearly spelled out in the documents I provided. This entire process took DAYS.

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