On 11/13/20 12:52 PM, Niels Bakker wrote:
* se...@rollernet.us (Seth Mattinen) [Sun 08 Nov 2020, 18:21 CET]:
I've had allocated to me since 2005.

So many IPs in possession for so long, yet so little reverse DNS:
$ (for j in `jot 7 2`; do for i in `jot 255`; do host 74.118.15$j.$i; done; done) | grep -c NXDOMAIN

Not sure why that's a problem.

And a lame delegation for 159.118.74.in-addr.arpa.

The last /24 is not in use. I've been reserving it since free pool exhaustion in case I can't get more for some unknown reason. I suppose it would still count against me with a whole /24 of NXDOMAIN either way.

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