FCC Issues Staff Report On T-Mobile Outage


The outage was initially caused by an equipment failure and then exacerbated by a network routing misconfiguration that occurred when T-Mobile introduced a new router into its network. In addition, the outage was magnified by a software flaw in T-Mobile’s network that had been latent for months and interfered with customers’ ability to initiate or receive voice calls during the outage.

44. While fiber link failures are common, PSHSB finds that these steps, taken together, will reduce the likelihood that a fiber link failure could result in the recurrence of a similar event in TMobile’s network because traffic would be routed to an alternative path that could handle it. Moreover, if such an event recurred on T-Mobile’s network, it would not cause such a large service disruption because T-Mobile would have improved its networks’ ability to manage congestion in the case of a similar event and would have increased network capacity to maintain the network in a working state even with an increased volume of traffic.

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