Since I value the health and well being of my fellow netwotking professionals who exercise good judgment, I express the following.
If not anything else, if you have got the feedback from a leading law enforcement/military practioner (I scarcely believe the Judiciary would even condider my suggestion if this concern for status quo of lawlessness was based on flimsy ground as you make it out to be - like I have and they say this path of enquiry is based on falsehood, go ahead, call it a conspiracy. When you agreed in an earlier post that research was required, it conveyed rational reasoning, but not this. I am no George Washington (because I have not experienced the hardship he endured/saw or enjoyed the loyalty of Brave souls who breathed liberty), but, this line of maligning reminds me of the false allegation made against His Excellency Washington that he was in league with the adversary in an effort to sow distrust just before the end of the first American Revolution. On Wednesday, November 11, 2020, Sabri Berisha <> wrote: > ----- On Nov 10, 2020, at 12:56 AM, Jon Sands wrote: > > > On Fri, Nov 6, 2020, 8:00 PM Suresh Kalkunte < [ mailto: > | > > ] > wrote: > > >> raw garlic assimilation > > > This thread is definitely going to be used in a future court case > > Nah, by that time this thread will be classified as an internet conspiracy > :) > > If anyone should look at this thread for the purposes of bringing it in as > evidence in any type of legal action: keep in mind that few (if any) of the > contributors are medical or legal professionals, and some may be simple > trolls. > > Nothing in this thread has any evidentiary contribution and represents the > personal opinion of the writers. Scientific studies should be preferred > over > this type of 'internet folklore'. We're network plumbers. > > Thanks, > > Sabri, certified plumber. >