Sonic both has their own FTTH and layers on top of ATT FTTH with Fusion IPBB I 
think it’s called.  I don’t know the resale agreement details in place but it’s 
openly advertised as such on Sonic’s site.

Waiting for the true deal to land in my neighborhood ...


Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 1, 2020, at 8:55 PM, Matt Corallo <> wrote:
> Their site is confusing - they were historically (and still are, in most 
> places) a DSL provider using AT&T for the last hop into the house. Over the 
> past few years they’ve built out their own fiber network which currently has 
> a much smaller footprint. Definitely by far the best residential internet 
> service in the Bay Area, by a mile. They sell both under similar/nearly 
> identical branding.
> Matt
>>> On Nov 1, 2020, at 22:03, Mark Seiden <> wrote:
>>> On Nov 1, 2020, at 5:32 PM, Fletcher Kittredge <> wrote:
>>> Sonic builds their own fiber; they are insurgents. This is a good thing and 
>>> society would be better off with more competition among infrastructure 
>>> providers. It needs to be funded somehow.
>>> You can cheat, but if you are a nonprofit doesn't that kinda go against 
>>> mission?
>> according to
>> for the offering 
>> “fusion IP Broadband”
>> Delivered over AT&T’s IP network using Fiber-to-the-Home or 
>> Fiber-to-the-Node Technology (technology based on location)
>> This service uses AT&T infrastructure and is installed by an AT&T 
>> technician, you are required to use an AT&T supplied modem. This will be 
>> provided during your installation. 
>>> -- 
>>> Fletcher Kittredge
>>> GWI
>>> 207-602-1134

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