P.S.: The relevant IETF wg list is:
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Subject: [v6ops] WGLC on draft-ietf-v6ops-ipv6-ehs-packet-drops
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2020 12:35:34 -0700
From: Fred Baker <>
To: IPv6 Operations <>
I'm opening a two week WGLC on
draft-ietf-v6ops-ipv6-ehs-packet-drops-01.txt. This draft started in
2015, and was set aside for a while. We took it as a working group draft
in July with some additional authors, it has been recently updated in
response to issues raised, and the question before the house is whether
it is ready for archival state - to become an RFC. There are a number of
- do we agree with the language? (there are probably nits to be
cleaned up)
- do we agree with the concepts as stated?
- do we agree with the direction the draft takes us?
I think the draft could use a thorough review, and having said that, am
asking for volunteers. You don't have to tell me, per se; do the review
and post it to the mailing list.
Two weeks gets us to November 2.
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