I took a slightly different approach for my mental exercise, expressed in
IOS pigeon:

object-group ip address AS65001


object-group v6-network AS65001



object-group ip address TwentyFiveGigE1/0/1


object-group v6-network TwentyFiveGigE1/0/1




ip access-list extended TwentyFiveGigE1/0/1_IPV4_IN

 permit ip addrgroup TwentyFiveGigE1/0/1 any

 deny   ip addrgroup AS65001 any

 permit ip any any


ipv6 access-list TwentyFiveGigE1/0/1_IPV6_IN

 permit ipv6 object-group TwentyFiveGigE1/0/1 any

 deny ipv6 object-group AS65001 any

 permit ipv6 any any


interface TwentyFiveGigE1/0/1

 ip access-group TwentyFiveGigE1/0/1_IPV4_IN in

 ipv6 traffic-filter TwentyFiveGigE1/0/1_IPV6_IN in


I believe this is the minimum necessary to protect your AS from your
netblock(s) ingress. Note: there may be technical and business reasons why
you need to permit your netblock(s) ingress to your AS.

I believe this concept could be used on any EBGP Inter-AS link, including
peering addressed out of your own netblock.

I remain unconvinced, but shrewd is the one who sees the calamity...


On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 8:40 PM Brian Knight via NANOG <nanog@nanog.org>

> Thanks to the folks who responded to my messages on and off-list.  A
> couple of folks have asked me to summarize the responses that I
> received.
> * Static ACL is currently the best way to protect a multi-homed network.
>   Loose RPF may be used if bogon filtering is more important, but it does
> not provide anti-spoofing security.
> * Protect your infrastructure subnets with the ingress ACL [BCP 84 sec
> 3.2].  Loopbacks and point-to-point circuits can benefit from this.  In
> the draft ACL, for example, I permit ICMP and traceroute over UDP, and
> block all else.
> * Do an egress ACL also, to prevent clutter from reaching the rest of
> the 'Net.  Permit only your aggregate and customer prefixes going
> outbound.
> * As I worked through putting the ACLs together, I found that if one
> implements an egress ACL, then customer prefixes must be enumerated
> anyway.  Once those are in an object group, it's easy to add an entry to
> the ingress ACL permitting traffic destined to customer PI space and
> aggregate space.  Seems better than just permitting all traffic in.
> Our ACLs, both v4 and v6, now look like the following:
> Ingress
> * Deny to and from bogon networks, where bogon is either source or dest
> * Permit to and from WAN PtP subnets
> * For IPv6, also permit link-local IPs (fe80::/10)
> * Deny to and from multicast ranges and ff00::/8
> * Permit ICMP / traceroute over UDP to infrastructure
> * Deny all other traffic to infrastructure
> * Permit from customer PI / PA space
> * Deny from originated aggregate space
> * Permit all traffic to customer PI / PA space
> * Permit all traffic to aggregate space
> * Deny any any
> Egress
> * Deny to and from bogon networks
> * Permit to and from WAN PtP subnets
> * For IPv6, also permit link-local IPs
> * Deny to and from multicast range
> * Permit all traffic from customer PI / PA space
> * Permit all traffic from aggregate space
> * Deny any any
> We have started implementing the ACLs by blocking the bogon traffic
> only.  The other deny rules are set up as permit rules for now with
> logging turned on.  I'll review matching traffic before I switch the
> rules to deny.
> Future work also includes automating the updates to the object groups
> via IRR.
> BTW, Team Cymru didn't have any guidance around IPv6 bogons, so I put
> together the below object group based on the IANA IPv6 allocation list:
> https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-unicast-address-assignments/ipv6-unicast-address-assignments.xhtml.
>   Obviously this is only for space not yet allocated to RIRs.
> object-group network ipv6 IPV6-BOGON
>    description Invalid IPV6 networks
>    ::/3
>    4000::/3
>    6000::/3
>    8000::/3
>    a000::/3
>    c000::/3
>    e000::/4
>    f000::/5
>    f800::/6
>    fc00::/7
>    fe00::/9
>    fec0::/10
> exit
> Thanks,
> -Brian
> On 2020-10-14 17:43, Brian Knight wrote:
> > So I have put together what I think is a reasonable and complete ACL.
> > From my time in the enterprise world, I know that a good ingress ACL
> > filters out traffic sourcing from:
> >
> > * Bogon blocks, like,, RFC1918 space, etc
> > (well-documented in
> >
> https://team-cymru.com/community-services/bogon-reference/bogon-reference-http/
> )
> > * RIR-assigned blocks I am announcing to the rest of the world
> >
> > However, I recognized a SP-specific case where we could receive
> > legitimate traffic sourcing from our own IP blocks: customers running
> > multi-homed BGP where we have assigned PA space to them.  So I added
> > "permit" statements for traffic sourcing from these blocks.
> >
> > Also, we have direct peering links that are numbered within our
> > assigned prefixes.  So we can use the same ACL with these peer
> > interfaces and continue to have BGP work, I added "permit" statements
> > for these point-to-point subnets.
> >
> > So the order of the statements is:
> >
> > * Permit where source is direct peer PtP networks
> > * Permit where source is BGP customer PA prefix
> > * Deny where source is bogon
> > * Deny where source is our advertised prefixes
> > * Permit all other traffic
> >
> > I considered BGP customer PI prefixes to be out of scope for ingress
> > filtering, since the customer is likely to be multi-homing.  Should we
> > consider filtering them?
> >
> > The Team Cymru Secure IOS Template
> > [https://www.cymru.com/Documents/secure-ios-template.html] also
> > references an ICMP fragment drop entry on the ingress ACL.  I think
> > that's good for an enterprise network, but as an SP, I'm very hesitant
> > to include this.  Is this included in anyone else's transit / peer /
> > IX ACL?
> >
> > Is there anything else that I'm not thinking of?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > -Brian
> >
> >
> > On 2020-10-14 09:25, Brian Knight via NANOG wrote:
> >> Hi Marcos,
> >>
> >> Thanks for your reply.  But I am looking for guidance on traffic
> >> filtering, not BGP prefix filtering.
> >>
> >> I have looked at BCP 84, and it's a good overview of the methods
> >> available to an ISP.  My questions are more operational in nature and
> >> are not covered by the document.  Of the choices presented in BCP 84,
> >> what do folks really use?  If it's an ACL, what challenges have there
> >> been with updates?  etc.
> >>
> >> -Brian
> >>
> >>
> >> On 2020-10-13 18:52, Marcos Manoni wrote:
> >>> Hi, Brian
> >>>
> >>> Check RFC3704/BCP84 Ingress Filtering for Multihomed Networks
> >>> (Updated
> >>> by: RFC8704 Enhanced Feasible-Path uRPF).
> >>>
> >>>     Ingress Access Lists require typically manual maintenance, but
> >>> are
> >>>     the most bulletproof when done properly; typically, ingress
> >>> access
> >>>     lists are best fit between the edge and the ISP when the
> >>>     configuration is not too dynamic if strict RPF is not an option,
> >>>     between ISPs if the number of used prefixes is low, or as an
> >>>     additional layer of protection
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Ingress filters Best Practices
> >>>
> https://www.ripe.net/support/training/material/bgp-operations-and-security-training-course/BGP-Slides-Single.pdf
> >>> *Don’t accept BOGON ASNs
> >>> *Don’t accept BOGON prefixes
> >>> *Don’t accept your own prefix
> >>> *Don’t accept default (unless you requested it)
> >>> *Don’t accept prefixes that are too specific
> >>> *Don’t accept if AS Path is too long
> >>> *Create filters based on Internet Routing Registries
> >>>
> >>> And also BGP Best Current Practices by Philip Smith
> >>> http://www.bgp4all.com.au/pfs/_media/workshops/05-bgp-bcp.pdf
> >>>
> >>> Regards.
> >>>
> >>> El mar., 13 oct. 2020 a las 19:52, Brian Knight via NANOG
> >>> (<nanog@nanog.org>) escribió:
> >>>>
> >>>> Hi Mel,
> >>>>
> >>>> My understanding of uRPF is:
> >>>>
> >>>> * Strict mode will permit a packet only if there is a route for the
> >>>> source IP in the RIB, and that route points to the interface where
> >>>> the packet was received
> >>>>
> >>>> * Loose mode will permit a packet if there is a route for the source
> >>>> IP in the RIB.  It does not matter where the route is pointed.
> >>>>
> >>>> Strict mode won't work for us, because with our multi-homed transits
> >>>> and IX peers, we will almost certainly drop a legitimate packet
> >>>> because the best route is through another transit.
> >>>>
> >>>> Loose mode won't work for us, because all of our own prefixes are in
> >>>> our RIB, and thus the uRPF check on a transit would never block
> >>>> anything.
> >>>>
> >>>> Or am I missing something?
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks,
> >>>>
> >>>> -Brian
> >>>>
> >>>> On 2020-10-13 17:22, Mel Beckman wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> You can also use Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding. RPF is more
> >>>> efficient than ACLs, and has the added advantage of not requiring
> >>>> maintenance. In a nutshell, if your router has a route to a prefix
> >>>> in its local RIB, then incoming packets from a border interface
> >>>> having a matching source IP will be dropped.
> >>>>
> >>>> RPF has knobs and dials to make it work for various ISP
> >>>> environments. Implement it carefully (as is be standing next to the
> >>>> router involved :)
> >>>>
> >>>> Here's a Cisco brief on the topic:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> https://tools.cisco.com/security/center/resources/unicast_reverse_path_forwarding
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> I think all router vendors support this feature. Here's a similar
> >>>> article by Juniper:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/task/configuration/interfaces-configuring-unicast-rpf.html
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> -mel beckman
> >>>>
> >>>> On Oct 13, 2020, at 3:15 PM, Brian Knight via NANOG
> >>>> <nanog@nanog.org> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> We recently received an email notice from a group of security
> >>>> researchers who are looking at the feasibility of attacks using
> >>>> spoofed traffic.  Their methodology, in broad strokes, was to send
> >>>> traffic to our DNS servers with a source IP that looked like it came
> >>>> from our network.  Their attacks were successful, and they included
> >>>> a summary of what they found.  So this message has started an
> >>>> internal conversation on what traffic we should be filtering and
> >>>> how.
> >>>>
> >>>> This security test was not about BCP 38 for ingress traffic from our
> >>>> customers, nor was it about BGP ingress filtering.  This tested our
> >>>> ingress filtering from the rest of the Internet.
> >>>>
> >>>> It seems to me like we should be filtering traffic with spoofed IPs
> >>>> on our transit, IX, and peering links.  I have done this filtering
> >>>> in the enterprise world extensively, and it's very helpful to keep
> >>>> out bad traffic.  BCP 84 also discusses ingress filtering for SP's
> >>>> briefly and seems to advocate for it.
> >>>>
> >>>> We have about 15 IP blocks allocated to us.  With a network as small
> >>>> as ours, I chose to go with a static ACL approach to start the
> >>>> conversation.  I crafted a static ACL, blocking all ingress traffic
> >>>> sourced from any of our assigned IP ranges.  I made sure to include:
> >>>>
> >>>> * Permit entries for P-t-P WAN subnets on peering links
> >>>>
> >>>> * Permit entries for IP assignments to customers running multi-homed
> >>>> BGP
> >>>>
> >>>> * The "permit ipv4 any any" at the end :)
> >>>>
> >>>> The questions I wanted to ask the SP community are:
> >>>>
> >>>> * What traffic filtering do you do on your transits, on IX ports,
> >>>> and your direct peering links?
> >>>>
> >>>> * How is it accomplished?  Through static ACL or some flavor of
> >>>> uRPF?
> >>>>
> >>>> * If you use static ACLs, what is the administrative overhead like?
> >>>> What makes it easy or difficult to update?
> >>>>
> >>>> * How did you test your filters when they were implemented?
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks a lot,
> >>>>
> >>>> -Brian
> >>>>
> >>>>


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