Dear Kevin,

I am the maintainer of NLNOG's IRRexplorer and can help.

On Wed, Oct 07, 2020 at 08:37:00PM +0000, Kevin McCormick wrote:
> There seems to an issue with IRR Explorer.
> I check the following prefix and I get the message, “The server
> encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
> Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the
> application.”
> I am also seeing ARIN records are not updating on IRR Explorer.
> That prefix should show the ASN under ARIN for the ARIN IRR route that
> is registered.
> We are also advertising the prefix and which being advertised by
> Hurricane, but IRR Explorer does not see the route advertised by BGP.
> The website has been like this since yesterday when I first checked.

Thanks for the report! I took a look and restarted the routing sources
database replication process. The server appears to be able to serve
requests again.

A new version of irrexplorer is in development (by programmers more
skilled than me!) - hopefully later this year we can all enjoy it.

Kind regards,


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