*Scope out the three-day virtual program! * Are you as excited as we are for the upcoming conference? The full agenda of peer-reviewed talks, tutorials, keynotes, and panels is now LIVE. Thanks to our Host Sponsor <https://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog-80/our-sponsors/>, Amazon Web Services, for making it all possible!
Don't forget to register in advance <https://events.nanog.org/event/b4810c73-906d-495b-980a-f8d5bfd21d1d/summary?environment=P2&5S%2CM3%2Cb4810c73-906d-495b-980a-f8d5bfd21d1d=> if you haven't already, or apply for a fellowship <https://events.nanog.org/event/b4810c73-906d-495b-980a-f8d5bfd21d1d/regProcessStep1:56843fe3-ddb5-4700-bb15-3de3020e7206?rp=e5248967-6d2e-4e67-8ca7-ade751ebd809> (the application process is quick + easy, and no application will be denied — thanks to our Fellowship Sponsors Internet Society + Telstra!). Be sure to check out the NANOG 80 Virtual Expo starting next Monday, 10/12, where you can meet + network with reps from 19 North American companies, and enter to win swag + raffle prizes. And put your network-engineering knowledge to the test with a round of Kahoot trivia at the end of the first break on Mon + Tue, thanks to our Game Sponsor Infinera. Prizes will be awarded to our winners! Scroll on to learn more, and get ready to join us online from your desktop or mobile device, October 19-21. View Agenda <https://nanog.org/meetings/nanog-80/agenda/> *Where to watch: Tracks 1 + 2 * There's something for everyone at NANOG 80 Virtual — from panels + presentations on why we still have DDoS attacks, measuring RPKI, and finding + profiling serial BGP hijackers, to a tutorial on troubleshooting with Traceroute. Sessions will be held each day of the conference, from 12pm to 5pm EDT. Monday + Wednesday's agendas will feature one track, and Tuesday's will feature two. The webcast for both will be available at nanog.org/virtual-80. Starting Mon, 10/19 just click "Watch Track 1" or "Watch Track 2" in the left-hand nav to join us! *Don't miss the NANOG 80 Keynotes* "Growing Up With NANOG," Jezzibell Gilmore, PacketFabric "The Awe, Angst, and Challenge of Being a Networker in 2020," Avi Freedman, Kentik Mark your calendars! Jezzibell and Avi will deliver their keynotes on Tue + Wed, October 20 + 21 (12pm EDT), with a live Q&A to follow. Learn more about each of our keynotes, and read their full talk abstracts before the conference. Learn More <https://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog-80/keynotes/> *Submit a Lightning Talk* Have an interesting topic, data, or spur-of-the-moment idea? Limited to ten minutes, Lightning Talks at NANOG meetings are the perfect way to share your thoughts + findings with a wider audience. All NANOG 80 Lightning Talks will be pre-recorded. Please note: slide decks should be no more than 5 slides. Submit your proposal to the NANOG PC through Sunday, October 18! Submit Now <https://nanog.org/meetings/submit-lightning-talk/> *Engage with us in real time!* NANOG 80 will include a number of interactive opportunities + live Q&As, so you can network + share your ideas with the greater NANOG community. Be sure not to miss the Community Meeting on Wed, 10/21 (all are welcome!), and the NANOG Members Meeting on Tue, 10/20. And don’t forget to join us for the NANOG Board of Directors candidate session on Mon, 10/19. Learn More <https://nanog.org/meetings/nanog-80/agenda/> *Newcomers + Women in Tech + BoFs* Is this your first NANOG conference? Join us for the Newcomers Networking Session on Mon, 10/19! A number of operators and members of the NANOG Board and PC will share their experiences during the session to help you become better acquainted with the NANOG community. We welcome you to further connect + engage with us at the Women In Technology Networking Session on Tue, 10/20, plus BoF sessions on Wed, 10/21. Check out the agenda for more information about how to join each session! Learn More <https://nanog.org/meetings/nanog-80/agenda/> *Explore the Virtual Expo* Meet + network with reps from 19 North American companies, at the NANOG 80 Virtual Expo! Visit booths throughout the conference to learn about the latest technologies, plus a chance to win a variety of swag + raffle prizes, and pick up clues for our daily scavenger hunts to win a $100 gift card for UberEats, DoorDash, or VISA. Doors open Monday, 10/12! *Many thanks to our sponsors! * Like all of our community-wide gatherings, the NANOG 80 Virtual conference is made possible because of the generous support of our sponsors. From each and every one of us at NANOG, BIG THANKS to our Host Sponsor, Premium Sponsors, Virtual-Expo Sponsors, Game Sponsor, Service Sponsors, and Fellowship Sponsors! View All Sponsors <https://nanog.org/meetings/nanog-80/our-sponsors/>