On 18.04.2009 21:51 Sharlon R. Carty wrote

> I have been looking at ams-ix and linx, even some african internet  
> exchanges as examples. But seeing how large they are(ams-x & linx) and  
> we are in the startup phase, I would rather have some tips/examples  
> from anyone who has been doing IXP for quite awhile.
> So far all the responses have been very helpful.

Do what Nick suggested and you will run a real safe IXP. Nick knows how
to do that.

Arnold Nipper / nIPper consulting, Sandhausen, Germany
email: arn...@nipper.de       phone: +49 6224 9259 299
mobile: +49 172 2650958         fax: +49 6224 9259 333

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