I was awake when it struck, and I received this alert about 3 seconds
before the shockwave hit my location:

[image: EQ1.jpg]
My phone was isolated from the shockwave due to it being in my hands at the
time, for what it's worth.


On Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 1:40 PM Sean Donelan <s...@donelan.com> wrote:

> The VP Engineering for Android posted a visualization of the 4.5
> earthquake in
> Southern California from data collected by Android phones.
> https://twitter.com/davey_burke/status/1307395583338885120
> USGS ShakeAlert is transmitted via WEA to Android, iPhone and other
> cellular
> devices; and shared directly with some public-private partners.  Most
> smart devices (Android, iPhone) collect diagnostic logs and report back to
> their developers, but generally emergency responders never see data from
> diagnostic reports.
> Developers don't include emergency alerts in other "smart" devices like
> SmartTVs, SmartSpeakers, etc.

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