Look at marine equipment specs. They define vibration tolerances quite well. Not my specialty, but I had brief exposure one time.
Tim McKee WN9Z Sent from my iPhone > On Sep 15, 2020, at 21:00, Crist Clark <cjc+na...@pumpky.net> wrote: > > > I've been living and working in earthquake country for many years. The > primary focus I've always encountered for network gear is to make sure it is > properly secured to the racks and the racks properly secured to the building > (and hope the building is well secured). > > I'm working on a project now where we're doing seismic isolation for the > servers. I think the main concern there is spinning disks. The cabinets are > effectively "floating," well, rolling really, on the data center floor. There > are various vendor solutions for this. Of course, the network gear living up > close and personal with the servers is along for the ride. That's all fine. I > don't think it's a problem for the network gear. > > But now there are people with the idea that seismic isolation is the > technology we need for all of our electronics, down to network gear in IDRs. > I am trying to find any real information about this, but Google-fu is not > producing results for me. I asked some of our vendor sales people, they said > they'd get back, but never did. I don't know if shake tolerances is something > published for your typical data center and campus network gear. > > Anyone have some best practice info from some reliable sources or seen any > shake tolerance data for network gear?