On 31/Jul/20 23:38, Sabri Berisha wrote:
> Kudos to Telia for admitting their mistakes, and fixing their processes.
Considering Telia's scope and "experience", that is one thing. But for
the general good of the Internet, the number of intended or
unintentional route hijacks in recent years, and all the noise that
rises on this and other lists each time we have such incidents (this
won't be the last), Telia should not have waited to be called out in
order to get this fixed.
Do we know if they are fixing this on just this customer of theirs, or
all their customers? I know this has been their filtering policy with us
(SEACOM) since 2014, as I pointed out earlier today. There has not been
a shortage of similar incidents between now and then, where the
community has consistently called for more deliberate and effective
route filtering across inter-AS arrangements.
There is massive responsibility for the community to act correctly for
the Internet to succeed. Especially so during these Coronavirus times
where the world depends on us to keep whatever shred of an economy is
left up and running. Doubly so if you are a major concern (like Telia)
for the core of the Internet.
It's great that they are fixing this - but this was TOTALLY avoidable.
That we won't see this again - even from the same the actors - isn't
something I have high confidence in guaranteeing, based on current
We can all do better. We should all do better.