On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 12:44 AM Mark Tinka <mark.ti...@seacom.com> wrote:
> On 24/Jul/20 09:32, William Herrin wrote:
> > Choosing not to mash one's fingers with a hammer is not an absence of
> > curiosity about carpentry. It's merely an understanding that doing
> > carpentry well involves -not- mashing one's fingers with a hammer.
> You mean like not poking your finger into the wall socket, or in the
> fire, unless you're 2?
> I'm not sure how to parse your comment. But in case you are wondering, I
> am talking about network engineering, which is not common sense.

Hi Mark,

How you parse it depends on your intention when quoting my interview
story with a response about exhibiting curiosity. It was either full
agreement about the value of curiousity or a pointed retort about the
difference between curiosity and irresponsibility.


William Herrin

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