I thought this may be of interest to some of the network operators here on the 
NANOG list.

I am reaching out to solicit interest in participating in the development of a 
new technical paper from the Broadband Internet Technical Advisory Group 
(BITAG). In September we will begin work on a short paper that summarizes & 
memorializes the different sorts of things various players across the Internet 
ecosystem did in order to react to the unprecedented increase in Internet usage 
as a result of COVID-19. In the NANOG context, this would be the general sorts 
of things that access networks, IXPs, transit networks, enterprise networks, 
etc. undertook to adapt to the huge change stemming from COVID-19.

In most cases this is not doing new work but merely referring to already 
published information, as the goal is to provide a broad survey of actions 
across the entire Internet ecosystem in order to explain and document the broad 
arc of the story.

Your organization does NOT need to be a member/sponsor of BITAG to participate. 
As we anticipate the paper being relatively short, the time commitment will be 
at most 2 hours per week if not significantly less than that (a weekly call 
plus any text contribution/review).

See details at 

I hope you will consider having someone from your organization participate! 
Please contact Doug Sicker (dsic...@bitag.org<mailto:dsic...@bitag.org>) with 
questions or to participate.


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