
> On 21 Jul 2020, at 19:13, Mark Tinka <> wrote:
> On 21/Jul/20 18:39, wrote:
>> Little you two know about SDN, please read the following presentation from 
>> Scott Shenker and then get back here arguing what it is and what it is not: 
> I'll pass, thanks. Already did my time in that rabbit hole.

Yeah. Also, I see great piece near end of the slide deck:

"We (Berkeley) are pushing SDNv2 which focuses on
 - General processing at the edge (middleboxes)
 - Very simple processing in the core
 - Support for third-party services (using mboxes)”

I believe I’ve seen this somewhere ;)

Are we reinventing tag switching?

Mind it, PDF is from 2014 and represents very naive approach to SDN (sorry, 

And yes (to the main topic of this thread) - I have some certs.
I understand people without certs tend to discard them as
non-relevant or even toxic. Yes, I’ve met “paper” CCIEs,
but also JNCIEs and I can see the point being made. I’ve
met great minds (also on this list) without any networking
certificates. I believe that until you see real person on the
other side of table and not her/his cert(s), good chat and
questions will remove all doubts. Everyone has to start
somewhere and make those first errors, and being ‘expert’
doesn’t mean you’re not making them anymore.

Łukasz Bromirski
CCIE R&S/SP #15929, CCDE #2012::17, PGP Key ID: 0xFD077F6A

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