> Jeff Bacon
> Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 1:55 PM
>  > Who said anything about boxing your tooling in to SDN tech? You  >
> described Software Defined Networking as a rabbit hole and snake oil.
>  > It isn't. It's a class of tools in the networking toolbox and an  > 
> increasingly
> useful one.
> As it is, we have marketing people sticking "SDN" onto every bloody thing
> that comes along in the hopes that it'll better catch the attention of someone
> without enough of a clue that they'll cough up (and leave someone else to
> figure out what to do with it). I freely admit that's just what they do and
> expecting them to do anything different is wishful thinking, but I don't see
> any of us doing anything about it except creating long email chains wherein
> we just keep trying to munge apples and oranges together. :)
I suggest we educate users so they can make better decisions on what tool to 
use for what job and not get confused in all the marketing jive around SDN.
Blueprint: MEF-SDN/NFV Certification Exam:
- has a pretty good list of self-study material, don't worry you might have 
read a lot of those books already.


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