If you ever decide to revisit this subject, I recall it was covered here in 
this thread started by Bill Herrin 

My general feelings on the subject of tech interviews are summarized in the 
“interview anti-loop” section of this article by Steve Yegge 
Although it is targeted to people seeking software engineering jobs at FANG 
(and FANG-like) companies, IMO the general tone is applicable to other tech 
careers, even network engineering.  I have seen numerous articles (and 
subsequent discussions) on this subject on forums such as Quora, Medium, and 
Hacker News.


> On Jul 11, 2020, at 11:34 AM, Mehmet Akcin <meh...@akcin.net> wrote:
> hey there,
> I am hosting a live show a few times a month about internet infrastructure
> and today's topics were, your favorite questions asked network engineers -
> you can watch the recording here
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3pvikTrF0M
> if you have suggestions on topics to cover helping network operations
> engineering that you want to see in here, please feel free to contact me
> off-list, and let's create unique content that can be helpful to others.
> mehmet
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