On Wed, 15 Apr 2009, Murphy, Jay, DOH wrote:

> Have you been able to in the past?? The site is used for other purposes,
> and the front end site that you will see is www.level3.com, not net.  So
> which one?
> Jay Murphy 
> IP Network Specialist 
> NM Department of Health 
> ITSD - IP Network Operations 
> Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502 
> Bus. Ph.: 505.827.2851
> "We move the information that moves your world." 

Yes discovered that then thought about reposting full traceroute
feeds. It was the *.com I can get through now from 4 out of like
8 addresses. Actually on the phone with Level3 right now

J. Oquendo

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to
ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things
differently." - Warren Buffett

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