Dear all,
I am a researcher at TU Delft in the Netherlands, looking into Security & 
Protocol Adoption.
My student Olamide is looking into how well email setups are maintained around 
the globe. 
For this, we need many people, ideally from smaller providers, i.e., with non 
gmail/hotmail/yahoo addresses, to send us emails.
Please consider participating in this study, and sharing it in your networks. 
To help us, please follow the instructions at:                        

Important caveat: If your mailer validates recipient addresses before accepting 
mails, you might be unable to send to destination addresses that are (a) only 
resolvable via IPv6 only, or (b) Have broken DNSSEC, which we use to test 
DNSSEC validation. If this is the case, please just remove the 1-3 offending 
addresses from the To: header. Please also note that our test setups will test 
whether the host delivering mails to us is an open relay. Also note that you 
may receive bounces from your mailserver for some of the destination addresses, 
e.g., if mails can not be delivered via IPv6, or if your mail-setup validates 
DANE records for our DANE test domain. We do _not_ need a copy of those bounces.

In case you want to get results for a domain you operate or use early, please 
just drop me an email from the same domain and delivering servers after you 
participated, and I will share the data with you. :-)

Met vriendelijke groet,
Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig,
Assistant Professor / Universitair Docent
Department Engineering Systems and Services

Informatie- en Communicatie Technologie (ICT)
TU Delft / Dept. ESS
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TBM)
Building 31
Jaffalaan 5 - room B3.170
2628 BX  Delft

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