Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020
From: "Matt Harris" <>
>> On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 9:52 AM Jared Brown 
>> <[]> wrote:
>> My no-effort quote from last month lists just the box at $13,000. Once you 
>> are all in the total is that 1.5 multiple Baldur mentioned compared to OP.
>> However, if you google "mx204 price" the first hit wants very much to sell 
>> you one for <$11,000. Caveat emptor and YMMV.
>> Jared
> Not all MX204's are created equal, however. For edge applications, many folks 
> will want to go with the -IR model, and the -R model is the 
> fully-unrestricted one. 
> These will cost substantively more than the base model which has rib, fib, 
> and vrf limitations enforced.
  True enough. I was, however, under the impression you could upgrade the 
license at a later date.


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