On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 03:41:25AM +0200, Peter Lothberg wrote: > > > There are three solutions to the problem; > > > > > > A: Put a armed soldier every 150ft on the fiber path. > > > > > > B: Make the infrstructure so redundant that cutting things > > > just makes you tired, but nothing hapens. > > > > > > C: Do nothing. > > > > > > > > > As the society becomes more and more dependent on the infrastructure > > > for electronic communication, my suggestion to policy makers has been > > > that it should be easier to imprison all the government officials of a > > > contry than knocking out it's infrastrcture. > > -P
Yo, Peter. You speak of "infrastructure" as if it was a monolithic thing. Why would you think that some localized NoCal fiber cuts would be taking out the whole countrys infrastructure? --bill