On 08.06.2020 08.04, Saku Ytti wrote:
On Mon, 8 Jun 2020 at 00:55, Ryan Woolley <rwoolleyna...@gmail.com> wrote:

order of 2x) on even very-well-connected routers.  This is implemented
by Arista in the feature that Yang linked to with the URL containing
"fib-compression", but the actual command is better named: "ip fib
compression redundant-specifics filter"
I'll take my imagination boat from the dry docks and sail to 2035. Lot
of people still run Jericho ANET, it is the new CAT6500 PFC3. DFZ
won't fit it anymore without redundant-specifics.
Are we at all concerned that someone in the DFZ advertises a minimum
set of prefixes needed to force decompression and if we are, how do we
protect from it, if we are not, why are we not?

I imagine that is not so easily done. I can only get away with announcing prefixes that I own, which for most people will limit the amount of damage you could do. For someone who has unfiltered access to announce any prefix, he can already today announce 16 million x /24 and crash just about any router out there.



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