> On May 27, 2020, at 3:40 AM, Sean Donelan <s...@donelan.com> wrote:
> I have not heard of any problems with access for ISP and communications 
> workers in any U.S. state or locality during the pandemic.
> Did I miss a big problem requiring the FCC chairman and CISA Director send a 
> letter?

That was one of the outcomes of the OECD recommendations to member governments 
on the Internet during the pandemic.  As you may recall, I emailed you, and 
many other members of our community, on March 23, soliciting input for this 


The specific recommendation regarding prioritized access came from several of 
the people I mailed, and was of particular concern to global backbone 
operators. Whether you think that particular recommendation is a high priority 
or not, I’d chalk this up as a successful exercise of our community providing 
input to government and having government take it seriously and act upon it in 
the way that we requested them to.  Exercising that channel periodically, to 
keep government thinking of that as normal, would be good.

There’s no provable causality chain here, but it was a concern, we spoke, they 
listened, and the problem we were concerned with did not become an issue, so 
that’s a success.  If only we could do that with public health, we’d be in 
great shape.



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