On 06.05.2020 09.34, Simon Lockhart wrote:
On Wed May 06, 2020 at 09:17:28AM +0200, Baldur Norddahl wrote:
If you are converting why would you go for copper instead of fiber? The
typical gpon olt switch can handle 1024 or 2048 users in one rack unit and
equipment is cheap and available.
"since they already have all this copper laid already"

I think you underestimate the cost of civils to replace copper with fibre.


I own a FTTH based ISP so I believe I know exactly what the cost are. As it is we are smashing the copper based competition. A copper plant is not free to run and either it can not deliver the expected speed or it requires significant investments to get the loop length down. In this project the loop lengths and number of loops do not look too good if higher speeds are expected.

I am not trying to suggest what the OP should do, I am just raising the possibility that there might be another way. If you factor in deprecation and future proofing of investment, the investment in fiber might actually result in the better financial result of the company. Even if the initial investment is higher.

From a technical standpoint it is clear. The GPON solution will work and deliver good stable internet and phone service. I believe the copper solution has a large chance of unpleasant surprises, it will not be future proof in the slightest and the speeds will be poor.



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