I will say it is much better to consider 464XLAT with NAT64, if the CPEs allow 




I’m right now doing a deployment for 25.000.000 customers of an ISP (GPON, DLS 
and cellular mix), all the testing has been done, and all doing fine.


I’ve done it already for smaller ISPs, but the size of this project is more 
interesting to better demonstrate that it just works.


I plan to do a presentation when the information can be made public … bit delay 
because the Covid-19 confinement.








El 28/4/20 21:15, "NANOG en nombre de John Alcock" <nanog-boun...@nanog.org en 
nombre de j...@alcock.org> escribió:




I run a small ISP in Tennessee.  COVID has forced a lot of people to work from 
home.  I am starting to run low on IP's and need to consider CGNAT.


I do have IPV6 space, but we all know that until we force everyone to move to 
IPV6, we need to keep IPV4 up and running.


I could buy more space, but I am really wondering if that is the best option.  
It is expensive. I know CGNAT devices are expensive as well, but it looks like 
I could stretch it out a bit.


My thinking is to convert about 50% of my subscribers to CGNAT.


I am interested in vendors or devices you have used in the past.  I already 
know about the pitfalls many of my subscribers will have with CGNAT such as 
VPN's, Gamers, etc.


What are your thoughts on CGNAT vendors?  





IPv4 is over
Are you ready for the new Internet ?
The IPv6 Company

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