I think that several businesses already have a BCP in place that includes
work from home and a pre-built VPN infrastructure. I can't speak for
business units I'm unfamiliar with, but for Engineering/Ops, this is status

On Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 7:52 AM Scott E. MacKenzie <semacken...@gmail.com>

> All,
> This question has arisen and I was wondering if I could request some
> feedback from the community.  We operate a 24x7x365 Command and
> Control Centre that provides mission critical services (Security
> Operations, Network Operations, and Enterprise Management) as does
> many on this list.
> How many on the list have sent all personnel home using work from home
> practices and home many have opted to run skeleton crews while
> implementing tight social distancing restrictions?  How many are
> operating status quo?
> We are trying to find a balanced position and I was wondering what is
> the communities position on this topic?
> Scott

Bill Blackford

Logged into reality and abusing my sudo privileges.....

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