Turn out to be an issue with our primary ISP

On Tue, Mar 31, 2020, 12:09 PM LTGJAMAICA <popsyc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Arie
> What's the best resources to use to study for the ccde ?
> On Sun, Mar 29, 2020, 7:17 PM Arie Vayner <ar...@vayner.net> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> Look at thousand eyes...
>> Tnx,
>> Arie
>> On Sun, Mar 29, 2020, 16:02 LTGJAMAICA <popsyc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I have a customer in eastern Europe accessing a SAAS application hosted
>>> in one of Azure's north America datacenters. for the past few days every
>>> morning between 3am and 6am est performance slows to crawl. This is person
>>> is like 8am to 11am locally so they cant get much done.
>>> The local ISP is providing 100mbps up/down.
>>> So far speed test to Saas providers speed test page is slow 0.02mbps
>>> down 6 mbps up
>>> Speedtest.net to north American ISPs like Verizon in New York slow
>>> Speedtest to servers in Easter europe 100 up 100 down
>>> Traceroutes/MTR dont help because a lot of hops seem to drop icmp packets
>>> Need a tool or service that can detect packet loss/latency between
>>> provider in eastern europe and a north american service provider. Any help
>>> is appreciated

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