I don't see SKEY style OTP lists as inherently bad. "its how you do
it" which concerns me, not that it is done.


On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 9:33 AM Christopher Morrow
<morrowc.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 7:00 PM Michael Thomas <m...@mtcc.com> wrote:
> >
> > On 3/23/20 3:53 PM, Sabri Berisha wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > In my experience, yubikeys are not very secure. I know of someone in my 
> > team who would generate a few hundred tokens during a meeting and save the 
> > output in a text file. Then they'd have a small python script which was 
> > triggered by a hotkey on my macbook to push "keyboard" input. They did this 
> > because the org they were working for would make you use yubikey auth for 
> > pretty much everything, including updating a simple internal Jira ticket.
> >
> this is not: "yubikey is bad" as much as: "The user using the yubikey is bad"
> Admittedly perhaps: "every time new token" sucks, and that's what (I
> think michael thomas is saying below), but certainly the yubikey could
> have been used for TOTP instead of HOTP and the user in question would
> have been out of luck, right? :)
> Almost all security 'features' are a trade-off between: "get stuff
> done" and "get stuff done with an extra hop", making the 'extra hop'
> as simple and natural as possible makes people less likely to do dumb
> things like:
>   1) pregen a crapload of tokens, store them on their probably
> compromised laptop...
>   2) aim a webcam at their rsa token and watch the change remotely
>   3) hot-dog and sipping-bird toy to touch the thingy on their yubikey
> token every X seconds...
> >
> > One of the things that got lost in the Webauthn stuff is that passwords per 
> > se are not bad. It's passwords being sent over the wire. In combination 
> > with reuse, that is the actual problem. Webauthn supposedly allows use of 
> > passwords to unlock a local credential store, but it is so heavily focused 
> > dongles that it's really hard to figure out for a normal website that just 
> > want to get rid of the burden of  remote passwords.
> >
> > Mike

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