On 23/Mar/20 05:05, Aaron Gould wrote:
> I can see it now.... Business driver that moved the world towards multicast 
> .... 2020 Coronavirus

Hehe, the Coronavirus has only accelerated and amplified what was
already coming - the new economy.

You're constantly hearing about "changing business models" or "needing
to be agile" in the face of the Coronavirus. A few businesses saw this
and switched from product to value, years ago. Many feel it in their
bones but are too afraid to make the switch. The rest don't see it at
all and are wondering what the heck is going on. I empathize.

> Also, I wonder how much money would be lost by big pipe providers with 
> multicast working everywhere

Money is going to be lost, for sure, but not to Multicast. That tech. is
dead & gone.


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