Hey Nimrod,

> I was contacted by my NOC to investigate a LAG that was not distributing 
> traffic evenly among the members to the point where one member was congested 
> while the utilization on the LAG was reasonably low. Looking at my netflow 
> data, I was able to confirm that this was caused by a single large flow of 
> ESP traffic. Fortunately, I was able to shift this flow to another path that 
> had enough headroom available so that the flow could be accommodated on a 
> single member link.
> With the increase in remote workers and VPN traffic that won't hash across 
> multiple paths, I thought this anecdote might help someone else track down a 
> problem that might not be so obvious.

This problem is called elephant flow. Some vendors have solution for
this, by dynamically monitoring utilisation and remapping the
hashResult => egressInt table to create bias to offset the elephant

One particular example:

Ideally VPN providers would be defensive and would use SPORT for
entropy, like MPLSoUDP does.


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