You are asking what root CA list I am using?
I answer: I use firefox browser on Windows 10 latest version. I dont
know what root CA I use. I have several root CAs in my browser's
option. Most of them came by default in firefow at install time. A few
I had to install manually many months ago, because I had a one-to-one
trust developped with a few people and their CAs.
About cloudflare I think the followiing: I have seen it used at IETF
servers. It takes a few seconds to check, which is fine. But I dont
understand why its getting in the way. They should stop getting in
people's way to browse for information.
Now, I do not understand why my browser, that I consider clean, makes me
questions about security, certificates, and so on. It might be that the
right CA is not inserted in my CA list, I dont know, I have not looked
in the firefox options today. But it is strange I could browse IETF ok
with cloudflare, no question from the browser, but now there are
questions in the browser about cloudflare and the URL you point to.
I sign: Alex, LF/HF 2 (it means low stress)
Le 20/03/2020 à 19:40, Rob Pickering a écrit :
On Fri, 20 Mar 2020 at 18:11, Alexandre Petrescu
< <>>
CA==Certificate Authority
the browser makes me questions before allowing me to see the
content, after I click the indicated URL
What root CA list are you using?
I'm not at all involved in their hosting, but it looks like they are
sitting behind Cloudflare SSL which is trusted by the default CA list
of the browser vendor on my desktop.
Rob Pickering, <>