has anyone been able to pin point the cut?
There have been mentions of Redwood City, San Carlos, San Francisco.
Where exactly is the cut?

William R. Lorenz wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Apr 2009, Joe Abley wrote:
>> I am hearing from multiple people about connectivity problems in the
>> bay area, and they all seem to have 200 Paul in common. ISC is
>> reporting a fibre cut between 529 Bryant, Palo Alto and 200 Paul, SF.
>> At least one Unitedlayer customer in 200 Paul seems to be off the air.
> We're showing spikes in latency out in LAX on Cogent, as well as a few
> other interesting anomalies that are consistent with shifts in traffic in
> a number of different locations.  Has anyone noticed any network routing
> issues outside of the immediately-effected area, as a result of this?
>  9  gi0-0-0.core01.lax05.atlas.cogentco.com (
>     65.447 ms  65.449 ms  65.434 ms
> 10  xo.lax05.atlas.cogentco.com (
>     127.708 ms  127.683 ms  127.680 ms
> -- 
> William R. Lorenz

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