On 15/03/2020 13:07, Mark Tinka wrote:
> On 15/Mar/20 09:55, Pengxiong Zhu wrote:
>> I know Caida has one paper on the congestion on Africa's IXPs substrate.
> I can't think of a single IXP in Africa that is "congested".

thanks for the "quotes", Mark. I agree.


page 23:
Results Overview
• No evidence of widespread congestion
   - 2.2% of discovered link showed evidence of congestion at the end of
     our measurements campaign

page 34:
• Measured IXPs were congestion-free, which promotes peering in the


my conclusion: s/congestion/congestion or the lack thereof/g

Frank Habicht

PS: yes, i could name peers that once had inadequate links into an IXP.
but for how long did that happen? (yes..., any minute is too long...)

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