On Thursday, 12 March, 2020 20:37, Valdis Kletnieks
<valdis.kletni...@vt.edu> wrote:

>On Thu, 12 Mar 2020 18:08:05 -0600, "Keith Medcalf" said:

>> I don't know but we just issued travel restrictions to the United
>> States as it is now a Hot Spot for the unrestricted spread of the
>> coronavirus which causes COVID-19.

> Hopefully they're more sensible restrictions than the US policy that
> prohibits travel from most of Europe except the UK... but only for
> foreigners.  If you're a US citizen, you're still perfectly welcome
> to go to Italy and come home with a few extra microbes to pass around
> a week after you return.

No idea what the policy for foreigners is, as that is a matter of
Federal jurisdiction.  And our Prime Minister is currently in
"self-isolation" apparently.

> The word for anybody who designs a network firewall with that sort of
> logic is "pwned".  Just sayin'.

These are Provincial policies.  The Federal Government cannot prohibit
Canadian citizens from entering Canada but the Province is in charge of
matter of Health and Civil Rights, so as soon as they enter the Province
from outside Canada they are "requested" to self-isolate for 14-days.
This is for citizens.  Don't know what the policy is for non-Canadians.

> (Fortunately, I'm in a position to hide in my apartment and only
> for grocery shopping at 2AM until things wind down... Hope everybody
> has a good contingency plan)

Yeah, sounds like a plan.

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven
says a lot about anticipated traffic volume.

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