Hey there everyone!

Puerto Rico IX is growing stronger each day.

This is the last utilization,


Now next question is how can we get more caches? If you are experienced
running small isps snd want to help please join our discussion @


On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 18:04 Mehmet Akcin <meh...@akcin.net> wrote:

> Hey there
> as the first bits started flowing through PRIX, I wanted to give a few
> exciting updates.
> Current peer lists can be found https://www.peeringdb.com/ix/2353
> One of the major social media companies who have a presence in PR has
> committed to join PRIX.
> We have also started a slack channel to have better communication with
> onsite (in PR) people and remote folks to collaborate. You can join the
> slack
> https://join.slack.com/t/puertoricoix/shared_invite/enQtODcyMTY4ODEzMTI0LTc0NzgzNjIwNjI4MDFkNzY5NzFkNGUyNGY3NDhjOTNkZWM1Mjc4NmEwMTg1NWRkODcyZTY3NmJmOTEwZTA4MTU
> not much traffic yet but here is an attached traffic exchange graph.
> https://ibb.co/vBS6N30
> thanks, everyone for your help
> Mehmet
> --

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