I can tell you that most carriers have neither type, at least in the US.


On Tue, Feb 18, 2020, 1:18 PM Stephen Satchell <l...@satchell.net> wrote:

> There is power backup and then there is power backup.
> The former is a small power pack (batteries, supercapacitors, whatever)
> that will allow the microcell to weather a short blackout or brownout.
> We are talking seconds, to bridge switching transits.  To be useful in a
> deployment, such a holdover battery needs to be very low maintenance.
> (Think about cars that use supercapacitors as a battery replacement --
> good for short needs like a single engine start.)
> The latter is longer-life power to keep the microcell going for days or
> weeks.  It's debatable whether this is mandatory.

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