Sure, some of them can get it. Some still have DSL because we haven't
gotten fiber that far out yet. Or they're in a rental/apartment where
the landlord won't let us put fiber.

Or some just don't want to pay for it.

On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 10:26 AM Andy Ringsmuth <> wrote:
> >>> After all - it's not like *they* are going to feel the pain of a single 
> >>> 106G upload, it's somebody else who feels the pain of 5 million downloads 
> >>> of a 106G image
> >>> refresh.
> >>>
> >>> Economists call this sort of thing an "externality".
> >>
> >> I must admit, I'm blissfully unaware of CDN commercials, but I'd have 
> >> expected that if I give a CDN my binary 100G binary blob and six people 
> >> download it, I'd be billed a different amount to if six million people 
> >> download it - and similarly if that blob is 1G vs 100G.
> >>
> >> I guess I'm asking if there's an underlying problem with the model here, 
> >> or if it's just the details of the numbers that are "wrong" in encouraging 
> >> / discouraging certain behaviours.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Tim.
> >
> > I just wish "they" would remember that their ultimate customers don’t 
> > usually have 10G pipes - they have 6M and 10M pipes that may take hours, if 
> > not days, to download one of these mega blobs.
> Uhhhh, it is 2020, not 2010. 100M, 200M, 400M or 1G is increasingly common 
> for home broadband. I’ve got 400M at home, could get 1G fiber for less than 
> $100 if I wanted it, and I’m in your average, run-of-the-mill Midwest city.
> -Andy

Jeff Shultz

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