> Shouldn't game patches like this be released overnight during off-peak
> hours? Fortnite releases their updates around 3 or 4am when most ISP's
> networks are at their lowest utilization. It seems somewhat reckless to
> release such a large patch during awake hours.

I can't speak for PS4 and PC, but xbox does have a setting to keep the
console in a state that allows the device to download updates when it is
'off' but I've noticed that the consoles don't always follow that rule and
the update starts downloading when the user powers on the console, which is
usually during peak hours. If this worked properly, it would be great since
most of the updates would download while users were at school, working,
sleeping, etc.

On Sat, Jan 25, 2020 at 1:36 PM Darin Steffl <darin.ste...@mnwifi.com>

> Shouldn't game patches like this be released overnight during off-peak
> hours? Fortnite releases their updates around 3 or 4am when most ISP's
> networks are at their lowest utilization. It seems somewhat reckless to
> release such a large patch during awake hours.
> On Sat, Jan 25, 2020, 12:08 PM Brandon Jackson via NANOG <nanog@nanog.org>
> wrote:
>> "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare fragged our business VOIP: US ISP blames
>> outage on smash-hit video game rush
>> This is Windstream, going dark..."
>> https://www.theregister.co.uk/2020/01/23/windstream_fvoip_outage/
>> Apparently not everyone came out unscathed.
>> ----------------------------------
>> Brandon Jackson
>> bjack...@napshome.net
>> On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 10:14 AM Aaron Gould <aar...@gvtc.com> wrote:
>>> My gosh, what in the word was that coming out of my local Akamai aanp
>>> servers yesterday !?  starting at about 12:00 noon central time lasting
>>> several hours ?
>>> -Aaron

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