Niels - this was an issue with the internet exchange netblock being
leaked out to upstream providers and causing peering adjacencies to be
established through indirect paths.  It wasn't an issue with the router
and it wasn't an issue with a peer.

Thanks for your concern though... I think we got it handled now :)

Stefan Fouant: NeuStar, Inc.
Principal Network Engineer 
46000 Center Oak Plaza Sterling, VA 20166
[ T ] +1 571 434 5656 [ M ] +1 202 210 2075
[ E ] [ W ]

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Niels Bakker []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 12:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Equinix contact
> * (Fouant, Stefan) [Wed 08 Apr 2009, 17:04
> CEST]:
> >Any good clueful network Engineers from Equinix on-list?  If so,
> please
> >contact me off-line as I noticed some oddball network behavior at
> >of your peering points.
> You do realise that the people who run an Internet exchange only
> the Ethernet switch and have no influence on participants' routing,
> right?
> If you're seeing odd things on your router directly connected to the
> switch you should have a better way of contacting your vendor than
> through the nanog mailing list.
>       -- Niels.

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