On Dec 31, 2019, at 00:30, Matt Hoppes <mattli...@rivervalleyinternet.net>
Why do I need Wikipedia SSLed? I know the argument. But if it doesn’t work why
not either let it fall back to 1.0 or to HTTP.
This seems like security for no valid reason.
On Dec 31, 2019, at 04:04, John Adams <j...@retina.net> wrote:
because no one should know what you read about or check out at wikipedia
On Tue, 31 Dec 2019, Mike Hammett wrote:
If you care that bad, you work towards meeting the requirement. If you don't
care, then you don't.
What happens when you care but your current environment, one in which a
new-ish phone, tablet, laptop or desktop is not readily available or at a
price point that you cannot afford without starving yourself and your
If there are technically and free-speech reasons to force TLSv1.2, provide
an HTTP version that restricts edits or whatever technical reasons
Wikimedia Corp is changing for.
This may only affect 1% of Wikipedia users, but 1% in a world of 4.48
billion Internet-using humans, where the US population is 4.27% of the
world population, 1% is a HUGE number. 1% is about the size of Uganda or
You and I, sitting comfortably in North America, sipping our Starbucks
Latte while casually surfing on our iPads and Lenovos, may have zero
problem accessing everything using TLSv1.2. But my iPhone from 2007 won't,
despite it still being functional.
Let us stand for freedom, free speech, openness and sharing in a world
that seems to forget how we got here in the first place.
Peter Beckman Internet Guy
beck...@angryox.com http://www.angryox.com/