On Sat, Dec 28, 2019, 2:33 PM Terrance Devor <ter.de...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That is the part I am a little confused about. Justification > One major advantage of working through a broker / auctioneer is that they can help you with this. Documentation and justification is a hidden cost. It's not hard but it is arcane. The broker can help you phrase the explanation of your intended use in a way that doesn't cause you difficulty when ARIN staff analyzes it for compliance with the many policies. And help you make inexpensive changes and additions which will align your intended use with those policies. All of which you really want to do before the first time you tell ARIN staff what you intend to do with the addresses. Cause it's harder to turn a no into a yes than to get your ducks in a row so that it's a yes the first time. Regards, Bill Herrin