i apologize if this has been discussed...searching mboned/nanog/ietf/arin/etc 
archives doesn't give me the clarification i hoped for.

is there a defined method to request eGLOP space?  does anyone really care what 
people use internally for mcast?  i see mr. eubanks submitted a proposal back 
in 2007 for eGLOP assignment process and ARIN shot it down, but i can't seem to 
find current status.

i've exhausted my 233/8 space and i'm moving to SSM (iptv).  SSM is defined as 
232/8, but is using that really necessary (technicalities aside)?  if i do 
indeed move to 232/8, would it make the most sense to have my sources live in 
publicly assigned space for possible advertising in the future?  mostly looking 
for what others have done as best-practice and future-proofing here...

thanks kindly for on/off-list replies.

iptv guy

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