outages@ is that list I think?
I do think the overall conversation about nation states disabling
internet (which is not likely the case with Sean's original post?) is

On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 7:41 PM Ross Tajvar <r...@tajvar.io> wrote:
> I'm interested in these events. It might be worth making a separate list for 
> them?
> On Sat, Dec 21, 2019, 6:24 PM Scott Weeks <sur...@mauigateway.com> wrote:
>> --- s...@donelan.com wrote:
>> From: Sean Donelan <s...@donelan.com>
>> I hadn't seen messages about this Internet outage affecting multiple
>> countries (Eastern Europe, Turkey and Iran) from Thursday.
>> Multiple fiber cuts affecting major parts of sub-continents don't happen
>> as much any more. Yes, I still remember the day of FIVE (5) simultaneous,
>> trans-continental fiber cuts in the USA.  I was busy :-)
>> I don't know if Internet route diversity has improved... or people aren't
>> sending me messages about them anymore.
>> ---------------------------------
>> I have become quite interested in this lately.  I don't send them
>> to the list as no one seemed interested when I sent them before.
>> For example, India as been turning off the internet like they turn
>> the lights:
>> https://internetshutdowns.in/
>> Kashmir has been without internet for over 100 days:
>> https://guardian.ng/news/world/restive-kashmir-marks-100-days-since-india-stripped-autonomy/
>> Just think how you'd do anything without internet for 100+ days!
>> ------------------------------------
>> Usually after a country as 3 or 4 major egress points, large-scale
>> unintentional internet outages are relatively rare. Countries with only
>> 1 or 2 egress points still have lots of problems.
>> ------------------------------------
>> I'm not so sure 3-4 is a large enough number.  Many countries are
>> copying China in information repression (among other things) which
>> includes building in the ability to turn off internet access
>> (internationally as well as intranationally) as their network is
>> built out. Funny that one thing something as large as a country
>> is afraid of is normal folks talking to each other freely.  They
>> really don't like the end-to-end principle. :)
>> scott
>> https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-50851420
>> Severed fibre optic cables disrupted internet access in parts of eastern
>> Europe, Iran and Turkey on Thursday.
>> The issue, which lasted for about two hours, was caused by multiple fibre
>> cables being physically cut at the same time, a highly unusual thing to
>> happen.
>> [...]

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